23-06-30 GPH - Release Fears, Anxieties, Trauma - Session 1


23-06-30 GPH - Release Fears, Anxieties, Trauma - Session 1

Audio Only

Duration: 01:11:03

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Session Topic:

Release Fears, Anxieties, Traumas - Session 1

Sessions Overview & Healing Focus:

This Saturday kicks off the new July energies of even higher awakenings, moving beyond what has been known and letting go/walking away from what isn’t you, for you anymore and deep Soul evolution. (just to name a few) To help you move forward more effortlessly within yourself, Spirit wants to focus on helping you release fears, anxieties and traumas and all things related so you can feel safer inside to move forward.

You’ve been processing so much, going through so many significant and important shifts and before we really get deep into July energies, now is a good time to focus on deep healing and clearing of how the body/mind/energy has been storing old fears, anxieties and traumas.

There is never just one thing that creates fear or trauma or anxiety in the body/mind/Soul History. Your inner self knows what these things are and will bring everything you need to these sessions for easier faster healing on these really deep levels. We’ll address Soul History root causes, past life all the way through this life’s causes of fears, anxieties and traumas. You don’t have to know what these things are in the mind, your True Self, inner wisdom and parts of you already know.

This session meets you where you are on your path of healing and awakening to heal and clear what is causing your fears, anxieties and traumas. Sessions are alive-in-the-moment and continuously follows your lead of your next levels of healing, clearing and embodying who you are.

🌟We'll jump right in for power packed sessions chock full of accelerated healings and clearings to help your original creations of fears, traumas and anxieties complete, heal and let go. We’ll work on the emotional, mental, physical and human levels as well as those outer energies that have amplified your fears, traumas and anxieties.

🌟Your inner being/true self/heart's wisdom knows EXACTLY where you are on your path right now and will bring your layers of fears, anxieties and traumas and all things related. As the layers clear, your system will reveal the next layers of fears, anxieties and traumas and all things related for more healing-clearing.

🌟We easily and deeply accelerate your healing and clearing to help you feel safer within yourself.

🌟Your system will bring your personal activations, awakenings to get you ready for the July energies.

🌟You’ll leap you forward in your next levels of higher consciousness, personal growth and self-empowerment and so much more...

🌟Each session is unique because they always work with where you are in the moment, creating spontaneous massive multi-dimensional healing spanning through lifetimes, other worlds and universes you've lived in.

🌟We always work with the current energy shifts for understanding what's going on, how it's affecting you, how to move through them and navigate your spiritual quickening/awakening journey through self-empowerment.

🌟Receive deep support, guidance, reinforcing, activating and cultivating who you truly are, your truth, your knowing, inner trust and self empowerment. 

23-06-30 GPH - Release Fears, Anxieties, Trauma - Session 1

Audio Only

Duration: 01:11:03