23-07-28/29 Session 1 & 2 : Clearing Anchors to Your Old Worlds, Moving Easier Into Your New Worlds


Session 1: “Clearing Anchors to Your Old Worlds, Moving Easier Into Your New Worlds

Session 2: “Deeper Continued Clearing Old Anchors and Deeper Aligning, Connecting, Anchoring Into Your New Worlds

Audio Only, Both Audio Sessions are packaged into a Zip. (Windows, right-click and unzip - Mac - double click on file to unzip)

Session 1: 01:04:07

Session 2: 01:35:33

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Both Session Topics:

Friday: Clearing Anchors to Your Old Worlds, Moving Easier Into Your New Worlds
Deeper Continued Clearing Old Anchors and Deeper Aligning, Connecting, Anchoring Into Your New Worlds

Sessions Overview & Healing Focus:

You're in the midst of leaving your old worlds -old self, old ways of being, old energy) and moving into your New Worlds -next levels of true self, ways of being, new energy and what you're creating. Spirit wants to help you more quickly let go of your old anchors to your old worlds. Help the old consciousness and energy within you reconcile, heal, balance out, let go, heal, complete with what you're currently working with now so you can move forward into where you want to be/choosing to be easier-faster.

When Spirit offers 2 sessions back to back like this and you attend both, they are like attending our 2-Day Retreats. Why? Because after Friday's Session 1 ends, the powerful Group Power Healing® Field continues providing deep healing, clearing, integration and overall support for you and you path throughout the time in between sessions. Additional healing and clearing continue all the way through into when we begin Saturday's Session 2!

Friday's Session: We'll meet you where you are on your path of healing, awakening and embodying your true self. We'll help the old energies within you heal and clear faster, then move you forward easier-faster into your new worlds. As you heal and clear, you'll move forward. As you move forward, you'll more deeply heal and clear.

  • You'll heal, release, let go and clear out that which no longer serves you-no longer in vibrational alignment with your current choices on a multitude of human, emotional, physical, energetic and multidimensional levels all at once. 

  • Receive accelerated healing to remove the old energetics and ego identities so you can more easily let go of the old and embody who you are now. 

  • Effortlessly align with the new parts of yourself activating and awakening now.

  • Deeply empower yourself from the inside out as you feel what's in your deepest heart to let go of and choose moving forward.

  • Receive information about the current energy shifts and guidance to be empower yourself, be your truth, live from your truth and your heart's rightful path.

Saturday's Session: This session builds upon Friday's session. You'll already energetically be deeper in your New Worlds from Friday's session. Your inner Being will bring all significant old energies, ways of being, Soul choices, past-life themes, this life energies for a deeper healing, clearing and massive support of your new. As you're clearing the old anchors more deeply, you'll more deeply align with your New World energies and consciousness. As you more deeply align, it will reveal deeper old levels within you to clear. As you clear the old deeper, you'll align with the new deeper.

  • When this session begins, we'll meet your transformation exactly where you're at in your New Worlds. We'll deepen your letting go of the old anchors, energies and more deeply align you with the your new worlds energies and consciousnesses.

  • Your Being will bring all the details for deeper healing, clearing and supporting the new within you. 

🌟Your inner being/true self/heart's wisdom always knows EXACTLY where you are on your path right now and will bring everything you need for BOTH sessions.

🌟Each session is unique because they always work with where you are in the moment, creating spontaneous massive multi-dimensional healing spanning through lifetimes, other worlds and universes you've lived in.

🌟We always work with the current energy shifts for understanding what's going on, how it's affecting you, how to move through them and navigate your spiritual quickening/awakening journey through self-empowerment.

Session 1: “Clearing Anchors to Your Old Worlds, Moving Easier Into Your New Worlds

Session 2: “Deeper Continued Clearing Old Anchors and Deeper Aligning, Connecting, Anchoring Into Your New Worlds

Audio Only, Both Audio Sessions are packaged into a Zip. (Windows, right-click and unzip - Mac - double click on file to unzip)

Session 1: 01:04:07

Session 2: 01:35:33