Forgiveness - Retreat - 2 Sessions


Forgiveness - Retreat - 2 Sessions

Audio Only

Session 1 Duration: 01:06:13

Session 2 Duration:02:01:47

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Forgiveness - Retreat - 2 Sessions

Overview & Healing Focus:

Spirit offers this special Mini Retreat to help you heal SO deeply, embody your truth, sovereignty, wholeness and empowerment and up level your evolution and awakening consciousness for the topic of Forgiveness.  Come to one or both. As always, follow your inner guidance for which sessions feel right for you to join. If you come to both, Saturday's Mini-Retreat will go deeper for you and work with completely different layers for Forgiveness.

Forgiveness is so much more than what our minds think it is. We tend think of forgiveness as this thing we have to "do" or certain feelings we have to feel first, or it being an only "this or that" and has all these concepts attached to it. These concepts are so limited, exhausting, create more separation and can create more suffering as a result. Forgiveness is so much more than something we can point to or that our minds think it is. There are so many aspects and layers to true forgiveness that once reveled and spoken to, it resonates deeply within us and we remember. True forgiveness is already within you now and accessible in ways that are overlooked.

What will these sessions focus Forgiveness on? Forgiveness will be focused on forgiving yourself, many parts of you, others, experiences, situations, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, worldly, globally and surprising layers and information that our minds don't even think are related to Forgiveness. As we get into these sessions, there's so much that will reveal about what true forgiveness is and exactly how your inner truth will bring sacred empowered healing and freedom  This will be such a vulnerable, intimate, sweet and profound topic to work with together. Many sacred teachings and understandings await us.

This sessions works works with the healing and awakening paths of those who attend: We will bring accelerated healing and self-awareness to address, heal and free up a multitude of past life and this life experiences, Soul History and all significant lifetimes/incarnatioinal levels related to Forgiveness.

You will bring all YOUR specific parts of you, layers and life-themes for healing and Forgiveness for each session.  We’ll work with the the many current high awakening energies and significant energy shifts to help you more easily heal, embody your self and BE YOU on your next levels!

🌟 The parts of you that you're already consciousness of and the deep unknown within you holding onto deep hurts, beliefs, old contracts, stories, mind's ideas, ego structures, judgments, traumas and your Soul History related to Forgiveness will come forward and guide us for healing throughout both sessions.

🌟 Your inner being/true self/heart's wisdom knows EXACTLY where you are on your path for each session and will bring your specific layers for Forgiveness.

🌟 We'll release layers and layers of: ego, old identities, old pain, confusions, energy attachments, stories, beliefs, the roots of original energy patterns, disempowerments, trapped emotions, traumas, past-life energies and root causes of old ways of being, this life emotional energies and ways of being, old choices that no longer serve... the list of it all is unlimited.

🌟 Each session partners with your deepest heart’s desires for forgiveness, healing, self-empowerment and embodied freedom to help you heal faster and make your healing-awakening journey easier.

🌟🌟 Each Group Power Healing session is unique and its own session because they always work with where you are in the moment, creating spontaneous massive multi-dimensional healing spanning through lifetimes, other worlds and universes you've lived in. We always work with the current energy shifts for understanding what's going on, how it's affecting you, how to move through them and navigate your spiritual quickening/awakening journey through self-empowerment.

Forgiveness - Retreat - 2 Sessions

Audio Only

Session 1 Duration: 01:06:13

Session 2 Duration:02:01:47