Clearing Negative Energies and Intensity - 2 session retreat


23-05-20 GPH - Session 1 & 2- Clearing Negative Energies and Intensity

Audio Only

Session 01 Duration: 01:11:12

Session 02 Duration: 01:36:13

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Session Topic:

Clearing Negative Energies and Intensity

Session Overview & Healing Focus:

Spirit offers this session to help remove negative energies, heal on deeper levels and help your system regulate itself easier-faster with all this intensity happening.

This past Mother's Day activated more and deeper levels of light, awakening, the pure divine feminine and love in the Earth than ever before: The light, awakening, aspects of the divine feminine and love now activated (and is still activating) within the Earth are simultaneously awakening and activating the same or similar depths within you. Because of this higher awakening, just since May 14th, there's a lot more negative energies around. They have been kicked up, alerted, trying to stop and block this light-awakening. They cannotblock it or stop it but they are trying. The intensity we feel right now is a mixture of the super high accelerated vibrations in the Earth, the deeper inner awakenings and stuff coming up/healing within us and the negative energies attacking, trying to control and stop what is happening. We feel this intensity on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically, situationally. 

This is not about getting in the drama of it or creating drama about it: This is about understanding how negative dark energies work so you can self-empower every time and clear these energies for yourself along your journey.

Negative energies amplify and add to your own unhealed inner fears, self doubt and traumas, creating it all to feel worse, louder and SUPER EXTRA intense. When this is happening, it's challenging for each of us to know it's outside energies amplifying our stuff because the amplifications match our own feelings, fears and traumas so well that they just feels like our own stuff, just louder.

When this is happening, the empowering and healing opportunity is knowing this is truly a gift: You can now know this is a clue that negative, dark, power and control energies are messing with you. The moment you notice your stuff is super loud, amplified, feels unbearable or feels like it's taking you over within, you can stop take a breath. You can slow down and bring your awareness to what's triggered in you. When you become present to your feelings or energetics that are triggered and you meet it, listen to it and work with it, ultimately the dark, negative energies can no longer stick to your inner issues because you have your awareness in it now and you're working with it. When you find the issues within yourself of where the darkness or negative energies are sticking, it is so self-empowering because you become aware of some thing that was once unconscious. You have more understanding about yourself, thus creating more healing, awakening and inner freedom in these areas. 

This session is a massive healing, clearing mixture of removing negative energies, healing, addressing and clearing what in you is allowing negative energies to stick to you, clearing the negative energies again and leaping you forward on your path. Clear built-up intensity, upgrade your system to your many awakenings, regulate your system, harmonize and balance.

🌟 You will bring all YOUR specific parts of you, layers and life-themes for healing and clearing. We will focus on clearing the intensity of these times within your body/mind/human/energy and help your system heal, update to your many awakenings and regulate itself.

🌟 Your inner being/true self/heart's wisdom knows EXACTLY where you are on your path and will bring your specific layers for healing, awakening and leaping forward as we remove the negative energies from you.

🌟 We'll remove layers of dark/negative hidden energies and: your old identities, old pain, confusions, energy attachments, stories, beliefs, the roots of original energy patterns, disempowerments, trapped emotions, traumas, past-life energies and root causes of old ways of being, this life emotional energies and ways of being, old choices that no longer serve... the list of it all is unlimited.

🌟 Clear your energy from the dark intensities, helps you heal, evolve and grow faster and makes your healing-awakening journey easier.

🌟🌟 Each Group Power Healing session is unique and its own session because they always work with where you are in the moment, creating spontaneous massive multi-dimensional healing spanning through lifetimes, other worlds and universes you've lived in. We always work with the current energy shifts for understanding what's going on, how it's affecting you, how to move through them and navigate your spiritual quickening/awakening journey through self-empowerment.

23-05-20 GPH - Session 2- Clearing Negative Energies and Intensity

Audio Only

Duration: 01:36:13